A Troubling Story
DOES THE CHURCH CARE FOR THE WORLD’S CHILDREN? Yes – some local churches do! The evidence on display however, tells a troubling story with an ever-increasing number of orphans in the world, kids aging out of foster care, AIDS babies in Africa, and toddlers in Haiti whose hair has turned orange from severe protein deficiencies. Given her wealth, talent, and worldwide resources, the Church can be a powerful agent of change—and she has the biblical mandate to do so.
Do Christians have a responsibility to intercede for and sacrifice their resources for vulnerable children? What happens to the Church when we do? And when we don’t? How do we begin?
The Journey to the Fatherless is written by a former agnostic, corporate executive and inventor who was chased down by the Hound of Heaven.
God then took him to the “fields of the fatherless” so he could experience what breaks the heart of God. What he discovered in serving the least of these has been captured for the Church to use to prepare others for their journey.
The Journey takes the reader beyond Fields of the Fatherless and The Hole in Our Gospel into a deeper understanding of the problem and the biblical call to action.
What may be a troubling story in the beginning turns out to be a story of glorious redemption!